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N4TC  - Nasri for touristic Consultancy

Raja NASRI, international consultant is the founder of N4TC in Beirut - Lebanon

Raja Nasri - N4TC

Po Box 116 5068 
Beirut – Lebanon
Telephone +961 1 382 950
Fax +961 1 387 493
Mobile + 961 3 866 226


Mission Statement

bulletProvide professional & objective solutions to the hospitality industry while thinking global & acting local

N4TC Highlights

bulletN4TC members and associates share experience from the Middle East, Europe and Asia, 
combining different cultures and putting all this into perspective while handling a project
bulletN4TC combines a strong academic background and a wide variety of field experiences
bulletWe focus on hospitality related issues that we dealt with previously, we do not pretend to re-invent the wheel
bulletWe offer a high level of professionalism and ethical work

Main fields of operation

bulletAssisting European hotel groups willing to penetrate the Middle East market (getting business & developing hotels)
bulletDeveloping regional implementation of local hotel groups
bulletPositioning destinations (countries) on new markets and re-launch completely marketing campaigns
bulletReview Sales and Marketing structure of a country spread hotel group
bulletPrepare the manuals of standards for developing restaurant concepts
bulletConduct full pre-opening and feasibility study for a brand new resort in Lebanon


 Main players

bulletRaja Nasri based in Beirut Lebanon : 22 years of experience in 7 different countries, conducted sales
visits in 35 countries
bullet(associate) Moulden Marketing based out of London, Gillian Moulden has 25 years of experience
in 4 different countries specialized in marketing issues and destination representation
bullet(associate) Ulysses based in Paris and Beirut, Christian Fernainé, Cyril Fattal and Lara Ali Ahmad
are experienced in worldwide consultancy in the hospitality industry,specialized in finance and operation
bullet(associate) MPJ Marketing Research & Associates having Michel Noblet as President based out of Dubai,
Michel was the Managing Director for Le Méridien brand in Asia and in the Middle East


Success stories & references

bulletAL Cham hotel chain (largest chain in Syria)
          - Assessment of 14 hotels in Syria
          - Assisting in the opening of Amman hotel

bulletBoscolo group of hotels (largest hotel group in Italy)
          - Positionning the European group in the Middle East

bulletLa Posta (best Italian restaurant in Lebanon)
          - Develop the concept on the beach
          - Develop concept of sandwiches shop
          - Develop a gourmet shop

bulletBamboo Bay (best beach resort concept in Lebanon)
          - Develop the 50 rooms hotel , each unit has private garden and pool

bulletCoral hotel Sharjah (best 4 stars in the Emirate)
          - Full assessment

University Teaching

bulletUniversité Saint Joseph - R.Nasri is the coordinator for the Hotel Management school as of 2004
bulletIncluded technical, operational and managerial courses
bulletFinalized the set up for next year of kitchen laboratory
bulletHiring teachers that are high professionals with high academic background
bulletDeveloped the concept of continuous teaching especially for those working but need to focus
on certain items for their career development



Société de conseil regroupant des consultants basés au Liban, en Grande Bretagne et a Dubai aux Emirats Arabes Unis.
Notre priorité est de faire bénéficier nos clients européens de notre expérience au Moyen Orient et faire aussi bénéficier nos clients au Moyen Orient de notre expérience européenne.
Nous recherchons tout le temps des partenaires européens souhaitant investir ou avoir des accords de franchise avec des investisseurs au Moyen Orient. Ceci concerne des hôtels et des restaurants ayant des concepts exportables dans les pays en développement touristique.


bulletShould you need more information, please contact Mr Raja NASRI :
bulletPour toute information complémentaire, merci de contacter M. Raja NASRI :

N4TC Nasri for Touristic Consultancy S.A.R.L. : Po Box 116 5068 Beirut – Lebanon
Telephone +961 1 382 950  -  Fax +961 1 387 493  -  Mobile +961 3 866 226
Web site :   -   E mail address

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